Pre-inked stamps

My standard round and rectangular stamps are premium quality flash foam pre-inked stamps. This means that an oil based ink has already been pre-loaded into the stamp and should last a long time with proper care and use.

How many impressions will my stamp make?

The amount of impressions depends on a number of factors, including:

  • how many solid areas there are on the design
  • the material being stamped
  • the temperature
  • the amount of pressure applied

My own experience has shown my stamps can achieve thousands of impressions before needing to be re-inked. 

Replacement ink

Replacement bottles of ink can be purchased to re-ink the stamp when the image becomes too light.

Pre-inked stamps are re-inked by removing the handle and adding a few drops of refill flash ink into the refill hole.  Once re-inked the stamp will be ready within a few hours.


Happy Stamping!